


James Hurley stood in front of some of his artwork
  • Choose your FREE A5 art print from the 5 options below

  • Only pay a small shipping & handling fee to make sure your print gets to you safely

  • Get your art print delivered right to your door

  • Option to upgrade to an A4 print

  • Option to receive notifications when I release new LImited Edition artwork


For a limited time only, I'm offering an exclusive A5 print from my beloved Thoughts and Emotions Series for the nominal fee of just £4.50, which merely covers the postage and packaging. You might be wondering, "Why such an incredible offer?" Let me enlighten you!

🌈 **Why This Offer?**

**Firstly**, this isn't just a print; it's a gateway to a world brimming with passion and meticulous artistry. Holding this piece, you'll immediately sense the dedication and depth that epitomizes my creations. It's a sneak peek into the transformative essence of my larger, limited-edition artworks. Consider this print as an introduction to how art can transcend ordinary spaces, potentially marking the beginning of your own collection or becoming a cherished gift for someone special.

**Secondly**, this gesture celebrates a monumental leap in my journey. I've wholeheartedly embraced my lifelong companion, art, transitioning to pursue my dream as a full-time artist. This offering is more than a mere introduction; it's an invitation to integrate my vision into your life, to adorn your homes and hearts with my expressions. This venture transcends conventional recognition—it's about disseminating the core messages of hope and creativity that my art embodies.

🎨 **A Personal Touch**

My deepest aspiration is for my artwork to be embraced and valued. This initiative isn't just about visibility; it's a heartfelt attempt to resonate with you, to touch your life in a profound way. By presenting you with a piece of my art, I aim to make a memorable impact, one that echoes within your soul and, perhaps, ignites a desire to delve deeper into my collection in the future.

What next:

- Choose your favorite print below

- Fill out the form and enter your address on the following page

- Pay just £4.50 for shipping and handling to make sure your art gets to you safely

- Receive your new piece of art and have it on your wall in 14 days or less

If you have any questions please reach out to me:

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I can’t wait to get your new piece of art to you!

James Hurley

Pick a Print from my Thoughts and Emotions Series

Photographs blended with emotions and pixels in photoshop


  • An choice of one A5 sized art prints from one of the 5 shown below
  • Printed on high-quality glossy paper
  • The option to upgrade to A4.
  • Limited time discount only available while supplies last!
  • 100% Risk-free money-back guarantee

Cast Your Spell

A5 Print

In a world often swayed by fleeting trends and superficial judgments, the artwork “Cast your Spell” becomes a beacon of authenticity. It serves as a constant reminder that beneath the surface lies a complex, valuable individual. Just as the blossom that nature magically creates every spring cast its spell on the world, this artwork reminds and empowers you to unveil your true essence, breaking free from the constraints of societal expectations, it encourages you to show your unique self to the world rather than blending in with the 8 billion other human being that are alive today.

£17.77 Free!

*Just pay £4.50 UK shipping & handling fee


A5 Print

In a world that often demands conformity, "Shattered" stands as a bastion of self-expression. This print offers you not just a piece of art but a statement of empowerment and authenticity. It serves as a daily reminder of the strength found in embracing one's vulnerabilities and the beauty of genuine self-expression. "Shattered" is not just an artwork; it's a declaration of personal identity and the embrace of one's unique narrative.

£17.77 Free!

*Just pay £4.50 UK shipping & handling fee

Unreasonable Expectations

A5 Print

In a world where expectations hang heavily like chains, we often find ourselves confined by demands that seem to suffocate the very essence of who we are. Have you ever felt the weight of others' desires dragging you down, leaving you struggling to break free? The artwork "Unreasonable Expectations" captures this struggle, bringing to light the invisible chains that bind us, not with iron but with the weight of societal pressures.

£17.77 Free!

*Just pay £4.50 UK shipping & handling fee

Don't Be Consumed By Others

A5 Print

From childhood, we're asked about our dreams, yet the conventional path often steers us towards a life that isn't truly ours. Society's script encourages us to secure jobs, homes, and cars while neglecting the essential knowledge of managing our finances, pursuing personal goals, and achieving independence. We're trained to be employees, not entrepreneurs. Even higher education often leaves us bound by student loans, further limiting our freedom.

£17.77 Free!

Stock Level Low!

*Just pay £4.50 UK shipping & handling fee

Whats Holding You Back?

A5 Print

Imagine stepping into a space where the boundaries between the digital and the emotional realms dissolve, where art is not just seen but felt. "What's Holding You Back" is an arresting digital creation that captures this very essence. As you gaze upon this piece, you find yourself standing before a figure that is a paradox in its own existence. The central form — a regal, almost ethereal woman — is enveloped in a cascade of vibrant flames and soothing azure strands, each seemingly in a dance of opposition, representing the internal struggle between progression and inertia that defines the human condition.

£17.77 Free!

*Just pay £4.50 UK shipping & handling fee

Cant Decide - Order All 5

The whole A5 collection

Yes you can order all 5 of the A5 prints for the super low prices of £22.50 which includes postage

This is s £66.35 Saving

Each one is sold at £17.77 on my website!

£0 UK shipping & handling fee

About James Hurley

James Hurley is an emerging contemporary visual artist, who seamlessly blends photographs and textures in Photoshop to explore profound realms of human emotion and transformation. With a background in both digital art and fine art photography (all self-taught), James brings a unique perspective to his craft. His digital creations burst with vibrant colours, intricate details and emotional stories.

James's artistic journey is deeply rooted in personal experiences and emotions. He has created artwork and taken photographs since the age of 14 and is currently 56. Over the last 6 years his work has taken on more meaning and delves into the complexities of human relationships, personal growth, and the pursuit of authenticity amidst societal pressures. Each piece tells a compelling story, inviting viewers to explore their own emotions and connections.

Through his art, James establishes a sanctuary for growth and empowerment. His pieces serve as constant reminders of the vital importance of personal boundaries, authenticity, and the beauty inherent in embracing change. James's creations offer viewers the opportunity to connect with their own emotions and aspirations.

Copyright James Hurley - Art